For a long time, I neglected my health. When I lived in São Paulo, I worked as a lawyer at an intense pace. This did not change when I moved to London in 2002. I continued my studies in international law and finance at Westminster University. The frenzy of work and international travel left my health on the back burner, culminating in poor health and diagnosis of chronic hypertension, anxiety and burnout. And, in 2009, the premature birth of my son due to a hypertensive crisis, combined with the death of my father from a long battle with cancer just 5 days after the birth of my first child, forced me to rethink my corporate and life path.
I chose to dedicate myself fully to motherhood, however I continued to neglect my physical and emotional health, culminating in a miscarriage followed by a third risky pregnancy where I spent part of the time hospitalized with pneumonia and other ailments.
In 2017, I returned to the corporate world, neglecting not only my symptoms but also the imbalances of my eldest son, who had been diagnosed with ADHD and other disorders and who, like me, was medicated with conventional medicine.
Watching my son doped up like a zombie on strong allopathic medications, and not being able to be who he was because of the medication and the intolerant school system was unacceptable to me.
In a moment of despair, I silently begged for help, and the soft voice of my intuition suggested to me: “Meditate, meditate, meditate.” Without understanding meditation, I sought learning at the London Meditation Center, where I was introduced to meditation and Vedic philosophy by Michael Miller and Jillian Lavender.
As I meditate daily things started becoming clearer and I sought a natural way of looking after my family’s health. We started Ayurvedic treatments, gradually reducing dependence on allopathic medicines until we completely surrendered to Ayurveda. I can gratefully say that Ayurveda not only saved me, but also transformed the lives of my son and my family.
Today, I am an Ayurvedic practitioner as well as an Ayurveda therapist trained by the Ayurveda Institute UK since 2020. I see patients online and in person and give online lectures.
I am an eternal enthusiast of this beautiful and ancient science of life!
Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner (DIPPRAC)
Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultant (DIPALN)
Ayurvedic Massage Therapist (Diploma)
Access Consciousness Bars (Practitioner)
Member of the Complementary Medical Association (CMA)
Member of the Association of Ayurvedic Professional UK (AAPUK)
Ayurvedic Professional Association (APA)

Get in touch and find out how I can help you.
I am beyond thrilled to connect with you and guide you in your self-healing journey with the ancient principles of Ayurvedic medicine. Get in touch and find out how I can help you.